Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

I am thankful that I am not a teenager anymore. God bless you guys, I love you guys, I'm happy to be nearing thirty.

Giving Thanks

I am thankful that I am not a teenager anymore. God bless you guys, I love you guys, I'm happy to be nearing thirty.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Joyful Things

" The culture of women in the church today is crippled by some pervasive lies. "To be spiritual is to be busy. To be spiritual is to be disciplined. To be spiritual is to be dutiful." No, to be spiritual is to be in a romance with God. The desire to be romanced lies deep in the heart of every woman. It is for such that you were made. And you are romanced, and ever will be." Captivating

This song has meant alot to me lately-

Jesus, Bright as the morning star
Jesus, how can I tell you how beautiful you are to me
My Jesus, song that the angels sing
Jesus, dearer to my heart than anything
Sweeter than spring time, purer than sunshine
ever my song will be
Jesus you're beautiful to me

Sarah Groves

There is something so intimate about being alone with the Lord and telling him how much I love him. I feel like I'm begining to understand what the Lord means when he calls himself our husband.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The kids and I went to Albany for five days to see my sister and her kids while they were passing through. While I was there Josh and I got into a phone argument because I mentioned that I was feeling like there wasn't enough romance in my life. Anyway, I was feeling very sorry for myself, like an old married lady, on the shelf. I felt very justified in my self pity and decided to roll in it all week like a pig in a mud pit. When I got home on Sunday Josh was waiting for me. He had cleaned the whole house, a beautiful dinner was on the table and there were roses and wine. We sat down and ate and then a bit latter we put the kids to bed and he brought out two presents for me. One was a new copy of Pride and Prejudice. Mine fell apart two weeks ago due to over use. The other was a CD with all the songs that meant something to us in our relationship since we started liking each other back on Maple St. in Potsdam. He wrote a little booklet to go with it explaining what memory went with each song and all. I cried and cried. It was so wonderful. He said he was so mad because we got into the fight on Thursday and Wednesday night he had been up until 1 making the CD for me. He asked me to pray and ask the Lord next time I feel like I need something instead of "cutting his balls off."

So all that was wonderful, right. It should now end "and they lived happily ever after because Liz's needs were met." Unfortunately it doesn't end like that. Self-pity is a destructive thing and when we give way to it it cannot be satisfied. The very next day I was stressed with the kids and I went to Toys R Us and used a gift card Josiah got for his birthday and bought a big toy for them. I spent more than the card was worth though. I had this feeling that I shouldn't have done it, but I didn't listen and when Josh called I was ashamed to tell him what I had done. He didn't yell, he was upset though and I knew I had to take it back. I was feeling all sorry for myself again. "why can't I spend money, why can't the kids have this toy?" And then I realized, yesterday all I felt I needed to be happy was some romance, I got it but now I'm not happy again because I want more money. How ridiculous! I need to learn to be content. I spent some time sitting in God's presence to begin to learn. Thank you Jesus for repentance and restoration of relationship.

Lord, this is my prayer, that I'd be satisfied with You
Oh Lord, to know you more
To Love You more.

Lord I see my need a place only You can fill inside of me
An empty hole
A barren land

Be my satisfaction, Be my hearts devotion
Be my wind, be my fire, be my heart's one desire
Be everything

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Summer Refresher

This is a lovely recipe for the heat. You can obviously modify it to your own taste.

3 TBSP instant decaf coffee
2 1/2 cups boiled water
6 cups milk (approximate)
chocolate syrup/flavored creamer/vanilla

Mix the coffee and water together in a small bowl. Add sugar or a combination of sugar and chocolate syrup, splenda, flavored creamer, to create a base that is sweet enough for the milk as well as what you've already mixed. It really depends on how sweet you want it and how many calories you're willing to ingest. Stir this to disolve everything then pour it into a 13X9 metal baking pan. Add milk and stir. Place pan in the freezer for about 3 hours. It should not be completely frozen, maybe half frozen. Break it up and pour the ice and liquid parts together into the blender and blend. This makes about three 12 oz servings. Josh and Amber and I enjoyed these a few times this summer so far. I mix it up quickly before dinner at 5:30 and then by the time the kids are in bed and the house is picked up it is ready for us to relax with. I hope you are all staying cool