Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dancing Queen

On Monday night I went to a "worship dance workshop." I'm not even sure if I can express exactly what happened there, but it was so amazing and I am so thankful. I've been in dance all my life and I have loved it, but I've also felt a certain amount of self consciousness holding me back over the years. I first noticed it around 13 when it was recital time and I just didn't want to go on stage. I didn't ever remember being nervous about it before, but that is an awkward time of life for everyone. In college I danced every semester. I felt quite a bond to my teacher Don, and I felt like he saw me as some kind of challenge. Like could he get me comfortable enough to release the dancer within? We did perform that piece in the student show, but that was quite a feat for me, completely out of my comfort zone. Since college I've been missing dance. When I walked into the workshop 15 minutes late everyone was already dancing. I suddenly wanted to cling to Janice (who had come with me). I felt like an idiot because although Janice is married and pregnant now, just last year she was way younger than me and I was clinging to her for comfort. The young lady who led it was named Ashley Rollinson and she is amazing. She has her own ballet company based in Syracuse called Light of the World Ballet Company.

The first thing the Lord showed me was that my mind-set about dance was completely off. I have always approached class with the idea that I will do the steps taught to the best of my ability to show the teacher that I am a good dancer. Ashley didn't lead like that though, she would give us some kind of direction and some imagery to work with, but no steps. She would say, "move as you feel the Holy Spirit telling you to move." So in the first exercise I began to move and at one point I looked over at her and she wasn't even watching any of us, she was just worshiping the Lord. I realized that it wasn't about impressing the teacher, or anyone, just worshipping the Lord. It was a humbling experience for me because I think of myself as a worshipper already. This was like when you are in a worship service and your in God's arms enjoying His presence and there is some teenager who doesn't understand and is trying to talk to you or something- I was that kid!

The second thing the Lord showed me was that I've always wanted to dance well to gain love and acceptance. My father is a dancer and I think I wanted to please him, and be like him. Later in life I wanted to gain the acceptance of my teachers, my fellow students, anyone. The Lord showed me through one of the exercises that we did that He is pleased with my dancing. It was amazing. I was like a little girl again in a tutu and He was in the audience clapping and crying over how precious I was. I was so thankful. Josh summed it up well for me later when he said, "In the past you've always danced to gain acceptance, but tonight you danced because you are accepted."

The last thing I learned was on Wednesday night at the second class. I went alone that night. During a meditative time of the evening I was thinking about what was holding me back, what did I need to surrender to the Lord. I knew it was the praise and rejection of men. There was a time in my life, a very difficult time, just before my senior year in college, when the Lord was teaching me that I needed to find my identity only in being His child. I couldn't be "Liz, president of IV," or,"Liz, the evangelist," or, "Liz, so-and-so's girlfriend." I had to be content and at peace as just Liz, child of God. It was a very important lesson for me. Since I've been married to Josh there have been times when I've thought maybe I'm too much in love with him and my children. What if I lose them all because I love them too much. As I was searching my heart on Wednesday I realized that a lot of times I go places with my kids and they are like a blanket covering my self consciousness. I don't have to have attention on me and who I am when I have two adorable munchkins to attract the attention, or my husband to tell stories. I've become, "Liz, wife of Josh", and "Liz, mother of Emma and Josiah." At this dance/worship service I was alone. It was me in front of other women and the Lord, just me. What am I afraid of people seeing? I don't know, but it doesn't matter, the point is that I was again just Liz- child of God. It is hard to stand naked before the Lord, there is always the compulsion to sew together fig leaves and cover ourselves. But we are accepted by him, regardless of who has accepted or rejected us in the past. Regardless of what we have done. Through the blood of Jesus we are all his precious little princesses twirling in pink tutus and bringing joy to our father's heart. Thank you Jesus, I love to make you smile.

Monday, July 24, 2006

All of our news

I Made A Dress!!! Oh Yes I Did! I am extremely proud of myself. Laura inspired and encouraged me so I went out and bought a pattern and material and I made an actual dress that fits and has a working zipper and a bodice and everything! It was very fun. I made about 27 mistakes, but that's OK. I feel empowered now.

Josiah's birthday is on Friday. On Sunday we are having him dedicated and celebrating his cute little self. I'm excited to see all of our family and friends.

The sad part about that is the Daby's are taking Amber back to Ogdensburg with them after. We are going to miss her an awful lot. It has been a great learning experience for all of us.

One of the things I really appreciate about my father in law is that when you are talking with him he always asks, "what are you learning," or "What is the Lord showing you?" That is a great way to live your life. You can always learn if you are willing to be taught. I thought when we invited Amber to live with us that it was so she could learn some things. She did, but so did I. I want to always have that attitude, what is God showing me? What can I learn from this? Lord help me to be humble and teachable.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Cleaning the Car

Josiah is now front facing! I can't believe he is so old. Last year I was hugely pregnant and extremely hot (temperature I mean:) Anyway, I think that if all of us mothers banded together and combined all of the food that is under our car seats we could feed the whole world. Do you think they would like fishy crackers and raisins?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This weekend is supposed to be humid, hazey and 90. I am not looking forward to it. Where can I take the children that will be cooler, Josiah will not eat dirt or any other ground cover, and I won't have to hold both children in the water? Josh is going to work on our "upstairs bathroom" this weekend. I put it in quotes because right now it is a space with pipes so I can't actually say it is a bathroom.

Josiah is just about done nursing now. He isn't very interested anymore which is fine because he will be 1 on the 28th. Since I'm no longer a calorie source for him I've decided to cut my sugar and flour intake to try to lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight. The thing I realized when I began this yeserday is how little self control I actually have. I haven't worried about my eating much because I didn't feel overweight, but when I decided to cut back my body was screaming for ice cream and cookies. So "skinny" doesn't equal self-control. I am actually hungry very often, but alot of times I eat because I'm bored, lonely, or it's nap time and a book and a snack sounds so relaxing. I like to read Jane Austen and then I want tea and muffins or cake or something. Anyway, I need to beat my body and make it my slave. Gluttony is a very accepted sin in our culture but that doesn't make it right.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Birthday Party

Monday, July 10, 2006

Posting Funk

I haven't written on this thing in a long time. Here is an update on the Daby household:

Amber is doing well. We continue to enjoy having her here and dread her return to the North. I especially am wondering how the kids will take it. Emma idolizes Josh's siblings and after spending a weekend with them askes for them incessantly for two weeks. I know she will miss Amber so much.

We had a birthday party at our house yesterday for Amber and my friend Lisa. It was a really great time. There were lots of young single people hanging out together. I played volleyball which was awesome. Jared tried to spike the ball right on my head! Joy, Micah and Josh serenaded us and it was lovely. Emma kept at least one article of clothing on until almost all of the guests were gone. Josiah pooped in the kiddie pool and grossed out some of the gentlemen. I was slightly amused. By the way, sometimes my son reminds me of a tiger shark who just eats everything in it's path including license plates and nails. When I changed his diaper this morning I found cherry pits in it. I don't know if someone was handing him whole cherries or if he was eating the pits that everyone spit on the ground.

The next two weeks should be somewhat quiet. We aren't expecting any relatives and there aren't any big gigs. I will be a nice lull before Josiah's dedication/birthday. We are looking forward to seeing Josh's family again then. It was such a blessing having Micah, Jared, Meaghan and Hannah with us. I hope they will come again soon.