Thursday, February 08, 2007

Four Years

"Do you know what today is? It's our anniversary, anniversary, yeah." (that's a song)

Anyhoo- we watched our wedding video tonight starring many of our friends, actually it starred Josh and I, but many of you were great supporting actors and actresses. I was blessed again by Jackie's voice. I miss hearing it, it's so clear. We laughed at some of the dancing, cried when we saw Grandma Exware. Emma wanted to know where she was. She has been asking about weddings lately due to Cinderella. She told me last week that she wants to get married. When I asked her why, she said it was because she wanted to wear the dress and the hat on her head. I guess most girls feel that way, but maybe it's time to lighten up on the Disney movies!

The wedding video didn't have the effect I thought it would. I was looking for some kind of romantic experience. When I expressed to Josh that it wasn't making me feel all fuzzy, he said alot of people think of a wedding as a culminating romantic experience when really it is just a begining. I look at us in that video and I think, we were committing our lives to each other and it was right and beautiful, but we hardly knew each other and we didn't love each other like we do now. I can't wait for thirty years and fifty years. If you think about it, I bet a 50th anniversary is a true culminating romantic experience. Can you imagine watching a slide show of all the blessings and trials of 50 years beside each other? That is soul to soul. Well, I don't wish to re-live that wedding experience anymore now. I'd rather be a beloved wife than princess for a day, although my dress was beautiful.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Sarah O said...

Yeah! Congratulations! I forgot what today's date was, and now it is too late to call. Many blessings on you guys as you start another year together.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean-- about looking back and mostly thinking how little you knew each other and how much better things would get. (And at the time it all seemed perfect!!)

Also, Bronwyn is obsessed with Snow White. She will lay on the floor really still for long periods of time and when I ask her what she's doing, she'll tell me she's waiting for the prince. Oh brother...

At 10:35 AM, Blogger carole said...

Congratulations, Liz. We should get together some time once Sarah's back in town. :)

At 12:16 AM, Blogger Dawn Mattice said...

Hey hon - Happy Anniversary to you and Josh!!!! I think this was a great post for me to read, it's good to know that it can only get better. Love ya!

At 12:26 PM, Blogger LeeBee935 said...

CONGRATS!!!! marriage is sounding more and more like and adventure...i didn't say and easy one...i just said an adventure. :) frankly i can't wait! (okok..i can and i will...but I'm looking forward to it. hows that? )

but it makes me feel better to know...fuzzy aren't always to be expected. wish you learned THAT in cinderalla!!


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