Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Because I love him...

That is the reason why I allow my dear husband to stretch a rotting deer skin on a frame in our garage to dry. (He is making drum heads out of it.) I ignore the stench as well as I can and think of all of his good qualities, he's a good provider, loves the Lord, has nice teeth, etc. When Emma walked by the garage on her way inside yesterday she said "mommy, it's stinky like poop!" I hope the neighbors haven't noticed.


Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Tomorrow I will be 28. I was thinking this morning about my mother. When she was 28 her life was very bleak. She was divorced. She had two little girls 6 and 8 to raise. She had no home of her own. She had no spiritual life to sustain her. Now 22 years later here I am turning 28 in the midst of every joy and blessing the Lord can give us. I'm so thankful that we are not doomed to repeat our parents mistakes. I'm so thankful that we are not doomed to repeat our own mistakes. I certainly made many along the way to this place. I'm so blessed that God looked at my family when we didn't acknowledge Him and He revealed Himself to us in such a way that a legacy of faith has begun. You are so Good God. I thank you even for the great hurts of my childhood because I know that you allowed them for a reason and are using them to build your kingdom and bring glory to your name. Thank you for 28 years, and no matter how much more time I have, may it always be used to serve You and bring you glory.